Clients Who trust us

Discover our products

ATOS Server

Aiko Telemetry Operating System

ATOS is AIKO®‘s comprehensive solution that combines hardware and software to monitor high-value assets in the operation. Maximize efficiency with precise, real-time information and the availability that the mining operation requires.

Fuel Explorer logo

Fuel Explorer®

Real time online Fuel level monitoring system

Maximizing the operating time of mining trucks with timely and efficient fuel refueling.


Maximizing mining productivity

Increases the use of autonomous fleets based on remote visualization of the mining operation, thus enabling the restart of operations as soon as possible.

Logo KmScan

We are serial innovators of the mining industry

Through the use of disruptive technologies, we increase the utilization of the mining fleet.

Our solutions have a rapid return on investment, generating a positive impact on the operation.

We have more than 10 years of experience in major mining operations, allowing us to deliver and ensure technological availability according to the requirements of the operation.

We are part of the Mining Suppliers Portfolio 2024

| Aiko in media, Corporative AIKO | No Comments
We are pleased to inform you that this March we have become part of the Mining Suppliers Portfolio executed by Corporación Alta Ley, in collaboration with the Ministry of Mining…
Aiko cumple 12 años

AIKO Celebrates 12 Years

| Aiko Life, Corporative AIKO | No Comments
On Saturday, March 9th, AIKO celebrated its 12th anniversary. We want to express our gratitude to all our collaborators for their effort and dedication. The team is the foundation of…
mitigación Huella de carbono

AIKO Committed to the Environment

| Environmental commitment | No Comments
We are pleased to announce that AIKO, a technological innovation company in the mining sector, has successfully mitigated its carbon footprint for two years in a row. This significant milestone…

Second Scaling UP Workshop

| Corporative AIKO | No Comments
Throughout Thursday, April 13, and Friday, April 14, part of the AIKO team participated in the second Scaling Up workshop. After weeks of preparation and organization by the Administration team,…

Innovation House

We design personalized solutions for the challenges posed by our clients. We are serial innovators in the mining industry.

Operational Support

Our team provides technical support both in the mining field and remotely.

Technological Integration

Our solutions can work independently or be integrated with third-party technologies.

AIKO® is the strategic partner that’ll make your ideas come true

About Us
Silueta de pala cargando un CAEX
Juana de Arco 2012, Oficina 15. Providencia, Santiago.
Phone: +56 2 2951 5102
Mobile phone: +56 9 7608 9902

Service and quality is our hallmark

© Copyright Aikologic 2024. All rights reserved.