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Participation in Scaling Up Workshop, January 19th and 20th, 2023

On January 19th and 20th, we participated under the guidance of Amelia Febres and Tomás Edwards from Scaling Company in the Strategy and Planning sessions. These sessions will help us strengthen and move forward in our current growth process. We deeply appreciate the dedication, enthusiasm, and energy shown by each participant.

As previously communicated, AIKO is currently undergoing a strong growth phase, which has involved several organizational changes to effectively navigate this transformation. Due to the challenges inherent in such a process, Gagarin and José Luis decided to seek specialized support. After an extensive search among various methodologies, they chose to rely on the knowledge and guidance of Scaling Company. This company is the sole representative in Chile of the renowned Scaling UP methodology, successfully applied in various parts of the world.

Normally, such workshops are conducted with a small group. However, José Luis considered it essential to have representation from various areas of AIKO in the workshop. Therefore, the participants in the event were: Verena Scheel, María José Obando, and Ximena Neira from Administration and Finance; Patricio Rodríguez from Contract Management and Logistics; Javiera Sepúlveda from the Communications department; Esteban Zambrano, Félix Urtubia, and Luciano Flores from Innovation and Development; Marcelo Balart from Operational Excellence; Luis Muñoz, José Luis García, and Alejandro Hidalgo from Operations; our managers Juan Carlos Ortiz (Commercial Manager) and José Luis Riveros (General Manager), along with our Founding Partner Gagarin Sepúlveda.

The two-day workshop consisted of intensive sessions focused on defining what AIKO is and sharing our perspectives on how we understand the company. A consensus was reached that goes beyond mere values; it encompasses our brand promise, goals, as well as the initiation of tentative planning and expectations for both the current first quarter and the entirety of 2023.